Seattle Home Fairs

Attend the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections Seattle Home Fairs on Saturday, January 30, 2021 and Saturday, February 6, 2021. This year they are going virtual! The free home fairs will include helpful information about landslide preparation, earthquake retrofits, tree regulations, and rental housing rules. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask experts about the permitting process, building and electrical inspections, soil erosion prevention, and code violations. This is your chance to get expert advice about your specific project, rental housing, or neighborhood standards. Don’t miss out!

RSVPs are appreciated for all Home Fair sessions.

January 30 Presentation Agenda 
These sessions include a brief presentation with time for questions from the audience.

February 6 Drop-In Q&A Agenda 
These sessions are Q&A format only, no presentation.

See the Home Fair full blog article for more information about each session and information on how to join the virtual event.